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About Us

The WVWW Celtic Festival and Highland Games was created by the Ferguson family to display, educate, and share the rich Scottish and Celtic heritage and traditions, values, qualities, and attributes from the past relating to the history of Celtic heritage found in the Mountain State. The aim is to cultivate a spirit of kinship among clansfolk throughout the area, collect and preserve literary, historical, and genealogical records, documents, and relics relating to the history of the Celtic heritage, and showcase Camp Pioneer, the town of Beverly, Randolph County, and the surrounding communities.


Our Story

My dad has always had an interest in his Scottish ancestry. In 2014, he went to his first Celtic festival with my younger brother. They were both fascinated and amazed with the event. They were disappointed, however, that there was no Clan Ferguson tent in the Clan village. He started inquiring as to why not? He decided right then that there would be a Clan Ferguson tent at the next year’s festival. He and my brother did some quick research and found The Clan Ferguson Society of North America. They became members, started gathering supplies, and it was on. Our clan tent has since been to dozens of festivals up and down the east coast of the US.


The local festival that started it all has since quit. My dad decided that we should put on our own local festival. He decided that Camp Pioneer might be a good venue. My brother and I got to work on this idea. Now we will be holding our festival at Camp Pioneer on the third Saturday in June as long as I am physically able.


If there is one thing that unites the Celtic nations, it is the love of a good festival. Especially events that showcase traditional music, dance, arts, highland games, and sports. Our Festivals will do just that. 

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