West Virginia Wild and Wonderful
Celtic Festival and Highland Games
Registration Information
Please read the information prior to submitting your application/registration forms.
We are excited to welcome you to our third annual West Virginia Wild and Wonderful Celtic Festival and Highland Games. The festival and games will be held on June 21st, 2025, at 4H Camp Pioneer, in beautiful and historic Beverly, West Virginia!
Clan Village
Clan registration is free. Clans and Societies that register by May 15th, 2025, will be provided a 10’ x 10’ space in which to erect their tent. In addition to your space, you may utilize another 10 feet directly behind your space (for storage, hospitality, etc.) at no additional cost. Extra 10' x 10' frontage spaces may be purchased for an additional fee of $35 each. We will allow for late registration only if space is still available. Please complete the required forms and submit any payment necessary.
Retail and Food Vendors:
We are always looking for retail merchants and food vendors with quality Celtic goods to offer our visitors. Each retail or food merchant that is register by May 15th, 2025, will be provided an initial 10’ x 10’ space for $100.00. In addition to your space, you may utilize another 10 feet directly behind your space (for storage, hospitality, etc.) at no additional cost. Extra 10' x 10' frontage spaces are available and may be purchased for a fee starting at $75.00 for the first 10' x 10' and $50.00 for each additional 10' X10' area. Extra-large spaces should be requested prior to the May 15th deadline. A deposit will be required to hold a space. We will allow for late registration only if spaces are still available. Trailers and trucks can be accommodated at our festival. Fees for trucks and trailers are based on size. Please round up to the nearest 10' X 10' space required to park your truck or trailer.
Please complete the required forms and submit any payment necessary.
Retail Merchandise Vendors
Retail merchants considered for our festival are preferred but not required to have an inventory of 25% or more of Celtic merchandise or Celtic related merchandise. Merchants will be chosen by our committee based on merchandise selection, quality and uniqueness. We will try not to duplicate items amongst merchants whenever possible to create an interesting variety of choices to our visitors and a more profitable event for our Merchants. Please complete the required forms and submit any payment necessary.
Food Vendors
Traditional Celtic menu items are always preferred, but not mandatory. In most cases, Food vendors are situated in areas with picnic tables and limited shade. Food vendor applications will be chosen by our committee for uniqueness of menu, and overall booth presentation. Our Celtic festival tries not duplicate menu items amongst existing vendors whenever possible to create an interesting variety of choices to our visitors and a more profitable event for our vendors. Please complete the required forms and submit any payment necessary.
How To Apply for Consideration
If you were a vendor at one of our past events you pre-approved. New vendors can simply send an email to wvcelticfestandgames@gmail.com. Please provide a list of your most popular items. Photographs may be uploaded. Include any links to your website or social media pages. Photographs of your business at a similar event would be accepted and appreciated. Our committee will make a decision and contact you. If you are approved, we will include an application in our reply. Simply fill out the application and return it to us with any payment necessary. Once we receive your completed application and deposit your photographs, merchant list, and/or menu will be advertised on our website and social media pages.
Payment Options
Fill out and mail the application along with your payment to,
WVWW Celtic Festival and Highland Games.
5034 Laurel Lane Clarksburg, WV 26301.
Make checks payable to: WVWW Celtic Festival and Highland Games.
If you prefer to pay with a credit card, please fill out the credit card information on the form. Your card will be charged once the application is received.
Application and registration forms can be emailed to wvcelticfestandgames@gmail.com
We accept many alternatives for payment. Arrangements for credit card or payment apps can be arranged.
Please call 304-641-8770 for assistance.
Setup and Tear Down Details
Important! Please read below
Clans, Societies, Vendors, and Entertainers will be allowed to setup at any time on Friday June 20th between 9 AM and 10 PM, or Saturday June 21st after 5 AM. Festival staff will be available to direct you to your area. Some markers will be used to mark your area by name. We will have live music, food, beverage vendors, and other entertainment on Friday evening between 7 PM and 10 PM. We will have some ticketed guests. Vendors are welcome to be open for business on Friday evening if they choose. The festival will open to the public at 8 AM Saturday the 21st. The games begin at 8:00 AM. The festival starts at 9 AM. You should be ready for visitors by 9 AM. The festival and games will close at 7 PM. Clans, Societies, and Vendors are asked to stay as long as possible. You will be allowed until 4 PM on Sunday for tear down if you wish to stay the night. As part of your registration, we will provide you up to four (4) free festival admission tickets for you and those working with you in your tent or booth. Additional tickets may be purchased on your application form. Tickets will be provided at check-in. Tents, tables, and chairs will be available for rent. 10' x 10' tents with walls are $25 each. One folding table and two chairs are $10. Payment for tents, tables, chairs, extra tickets must accompany your registration form.
Overnight camping is available for Friday and Saturday. RV sites with hookup are $40 per night. Tent sites with no utilities are $5.00 per night. RV sites will be on a first come, first serve basis. Vehicle camping will be permitted in a designated parking area for $5.00 per night. Shower houses and restrooms will be available.
Music and the beer garden will stay open after the festival closes. We welcome you to join us for a little relaxation after a long day of festivities.
Clans, Societies, and Vendors may advertise upcoming events, collect names for mailing lists, distribute membership information, etc. Any request for fundraising must be approved prior to the start of the festival. We require that you provide a signed liability waiver. A copy of the liability waiver is attached.
Thank you!
Hold Harmless/Waiver Form/Photo Release
I am acting as a representative of a Clan/Society or Vendor at the West Virginia Wild and Wonderful Celtic Festival and Highland Games and do understand and agree that I will hold the said Event and its insurance carrier harmless if, I personally, suffer any injury or accident during the performance of my duties as representative. I also understand that this waiver applies ONLY to me personally and not to any other Clan/Society member, vendor, or the General Public who may be injured or suffer an accident within this same area. I agree that I will underwrite any medical costs or other costs related to my injury or accident personally and/or in conjunction with my personal insurance carrier, and that in accordance with this waiver, I will not file a claim against the West Virginia Wild and Wonderful Celtic Festival and Highland Games or their insurance carrier at some later date for such injury or accident. I acknowledge that this Hold Harmless/Waiver applies only to my activities within my clan tent, society tent, or vendor booth. When I am attending other events or activities during the Festival-Games I will be treated like any other member of the general public. Furthermore, I grant full permission to the West Virginia Wild and Wonderful Celtic Festival and Highland Games to use any photographs, videos and other types of recordings of me in any advertising, trade or any commercial purpose in accounts and promotions of this Event. I waive the right to inspect versions of my image used for publication or the written copy used in connection with the accounts and promotions of the Event.
Prices for vendor spaces vary upon several factors. Non-profit Organizations are normally free of charge. Extra fees may be added for water, electric, and ice. Please fill out the form below for a quote. If you would like to speak to us personally, please call 304-641-8770
Food merchants must obtain a food handlers permit from the local health department prior to June 15th. Food safety manager and food handler training courses are free and available on line at: https://www.randolphhealthwv.net/ or http://www.tapseries.com/ For problems obtaining your permits contact the Randolph County Health Department at: 32 Randolph Avenue, Suite 101 Elkins, WV 26241 P: 304-636-0396 F: 304-637-5902 All food vendor stands will be inspected by the local health department prior to opening for business. Our festival staff will arrange for food stand inspections on June 15th, prior to 8:00 AM at no cost to the vendor. Makeup inspections at later times may include fees. No liquor or wine will be sold at our festival.
Merchandise Vendors will not be permitted to sell weapons such as knives, daggers, swords, etc. to minors. Vendors may sell wooden and toy weapons to minor children with a parent or guardians approval.
West Virginia Wild & Wonderful Celtic Festival
& Highland Games
Kilted 5K Run/Walk June 15, 2024
Proceeds help finance our annual Celtic Festival and Highland Games.
Discount for Participants in Kilts, Celtic, Medieval, Viking, or other traditional Attire
Location: 4H Camp Pioneer, 38 Pioneer Circle, Kings Run Road, Beverly, WV 26253.
Celtic Fest Tee-Shirt guaranteed for all runners registered by June 1.
All participants receive free admission to the Celtic Festival and Highland Games.
All runners under 18 years of age will be required to have a consenting adults signature on the liability waiver prior to the start of the race.
Paper forms will be available upon request.
Registration fee: Advanced registration by June 1 with agreement to run in costume $25. Advanced registration without costume $30. Race day registration in costume $30 and without costume $35. Water will be provided throughout the race.
Prizes for the top three overall male and female finishers and first and second in each age division. 12 and under, 13-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+.
Prizes for top 3 male and female costumes as determined by our judges.
Awards will begin around 10:30.
For more information: David Ferguson 681-495-7242
Advance Registration with agreement to participate in costume $25
Advance Registration without costume $30
Race Day Registration in costume $30
Race Day Registration Without Costume $35
West Virginia Wild & Wonderful Celtic Festival & Highland Games Kilted 5K Run/Walk Waiver of Liability
Race Waiver: I know that running a road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete either event. I assume all risks associated with running/walking in this race, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, effects of the weather, traffic, and all such risks being unknown and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of you accepting my entry, I waive release, and will hold harmless the WV Wild & Wonderful Celtic Festival & Highland Games, Inc., and all race organizers, employees, directors and volunteers working for those entities from all claims and liabilities of any kind arising out of or related with my participation in this race. I grant this race organizer my permission to use any images taken of me in further publicity advertising. Non-refundable entry fee.